How to Collect Email Subscribers through Forms

Forms can be used to expand your Subscriber list for use with our Express Email Newsletter tool


Available for all plans on the Locable Marketing Platform

Locable's form builder tool is both powerful and easy to use - learn more about different form tool uses here. You can accept new Email Newsletter subscribers on your website through Locable Forms.

Access your forms by clicking Forms & CTAs > Forms.

In this article, you'll learn how to add a subscribe option to new or existing forms.

Adding a Subscribe option to a Standard or Instant Contact Form:

Create or Manage a form by clicking Forms & CTAs > Forms then Create Form or Edit. Once in the form, you can add the 'Newsletter Opt-in Checkbox' field to your form.

Once you add the 'Newsletter Opt-in Checkbox' field to your form, you can choose if it is required for the form submission or not. You may have a specific form with Form Actions that would require a person to subscribe in order to submit the form.

Adding this Opt-in field to your form will also allow new subscribers to choose to subscribe to any public Contact Lists you may have created in your CRM for use with the Express Email Newsletters. You can learn more about that here.