How To Set Up Products for Your Publisher Website

Available on the Locable Publishing Platform


The Products feature is used to collect payment for various on- and off-line products for your website and publication. We currently support 1 product type (with 2 more coming soon):

  • Event Products
  • Listing Products (Coming Soon)
  • Other (Form-Based) Products (Coming Soon)

General product settings are managed by going to Settings > General > Products

All payment processing is done through Stripe and requires you to connect your Stripe account to enable. You can learn more about that here.

Adding New Products

To set up or edit a new Product go to Settings > Products and then click New Product

Then add the details for your New Product:

Product Type (Required): Indicates which type of Product you are creating. Event Products are fully integrated with the calendar of your site and will be automatically displayed to users when they create or edit an event on your site. 

Product Name (Required): This name will be shown to your customers. The name will also be used in the order details. Example: Save The Date Calendar

Is this product active?: If checked, this product will be purchasable. Otherwise, it is not accessible to potential customers.

Subhead: Used to provide additional information to the customer. Example: Next Print Issue + Featured Online Listing

Description: Describes the product and what the customer will get.

Featured Product: If featured, it will add a green border around the item on the selection page.

Plans (Required): Plans allow you to define 1 or more payment options for a product. For example, $20 One-Time and/or $50 per Year.

Click add to add a plan or click the remove button to remove a plan (it will only be removed after you save).

  • Description - The label used to describe the Payment option which is displayed on the Product selection page and order confirmation pages. Example: $20 per Event
  • Price - The price is in USD. No cents allowed.
  • Interval - The frequency of payment, i.e. one-time or every month. Recurring intervals like 'Monthly' will be automatically billed each period.

Learn More Link: Adds a link to any page/URL you want where you can provide additional information.

Display Order: Allows you to define the order of the Products on the selection page using numbers, where 1 is first (left to right) followed by any number higher than 1 for other products.

Notification Emails: Add email addresses for admins who would like to receive new order notifications as well as order change notifications. Use a comma to separate multiple emails.

Product Details: There are 3 options under Product Details as follows...

  • Automatically include an online Featured Event/Listing as part of this product? If checked, this will automatically bundle a Featured Event or Featured Listing, respectively, along with a completed purchase of this product.
  • Enforce Submission Deadline for this product? If checked, this will enforce a given day of the month as the submission deadline for upcoming print issues. Any product with a start date after this day of the month for the next issue will not be allowed to be purchased. 

Example: If today is the 10th of December, and the submission deadline is still set to 14, then you would only accept events starting after 1/1 (The January Issue). If today was instead the 15th of December, and the submission deadline was still set to 14, then it would only accept events starting after 2/1 (The February Issue).

  • Is this product eligible as a free item for advertisers? If checked, Advertisers would be allowed to pay for this item with one of their freebies (as defined by the publisher). See here for more info.

Custom Export Fields: Custom Fields are used to collect additional information needed for orders, specifically for off-line Products. They have the following settings...

  • Required - If checked, the purchaser will be required to provide this information to submit their order. Leave it unchecked to make it optional.
  • Name (Required) - The name of the Custom Field. Example: Print Description (This is only a label so you can use this to provide additional info if necessary).
  • Field Type (Required) - What type of form field would you like to use? Use 'Short Text' for 1-liners and 'Longer Text' for multi-line inputs like descriptions.
  • Export Override - Indicates if this Custom Field should override one of the default fields on export. If set, all exports will use this Custom Field instead. Leave blank if no override is necessary.
  • Word Count - If you would like to enforce a Word Count on this field, or Charge for additional words over a certain number of words, set this field to the desired number.
  • Cost Per Additional Word - If set, this is the amount in USD that will be charged for each additional word over the value set in Word Count. If left blank, the input will be limited to the value of Word Count.

Click add to add a new Custom Field or click the remove button to remove it (it will only be removed after you save).