Available on the Locable Publishing Platform
Creating story arcs that begin in print, move online and then branch out into social media before returning to print are critical to publishers remaining relevant in an increasingly digital world.
Want to learn more about the 'why'? See this guide - the content below is meant to be your how-to.
Locable's Community Content Engine makes building intra-linked content easy and this tutorial shows you how to create an "In This Issue" article as part of our Print-to-Web strategy and effectively leverage print to grow engagement.
Setting up your " In This Issue" article (ITI) is a CRITICAL aspect of the Locable Approach that makes it easy for your print readers to find additional materials on your website.
This short tutorial video will introduce you to the simple steps associated with leveraging the ITI process:
- Start by posting your print articles to your website - Use an issue-specific tag like "August 2019" on each article you post.
- Create your ITI article, include descriptive titles and issue introduction, and your digital edition (optional).
- Select In This Issue Option - Choose cover & select the tag used in step 1 as the issue-tag to pull in those articles and add this ITI article to your archives page.
- Promote article to the homepage and add the sidebar ITI graphic.
- Share to social media, email, etc
NOTE: you may also want to link to online-extras / web-exclusives or even events from the calendar where you can use Content Snippets such as Cross Linking Articles
Show Cover on Article?
Selecting this option will add the cover to the article body and hide the main image.

Want to use a digital edition?
You can link the cover to a digital edition or leave blank to exclude a link.

Alternatively, you can embed your digital edition on your ITI article by clicking the "Insert Media/Widget" button to open the embed area and paste your embed code. When you publish your article readers can enjoy your digital edition right on your site, better yet you'll be building out a historical archive.
