Available on the Locable Publishing Platform
The Community Content Engine enables you to manage users on the system in a variety of ways. There are no limits or additional charges for extra users.
It'd be useful to familiarize yourself with the various user types and their capabilities before continuing. You can view all Members and Users or invite new ones by clicking Settings > Users.

It's important to note you can also edit users to change their user type or even remove the user's permissions on your site by Deleting the user - though, in actuality, the user is not fully deleted and any content they've posted will remain, you can also reinstate users in the future.
With the exception of employees who leave your company and no longer need access, we'd recommend downgrading users who no longer need some level of administrative access to Members so they can continue to comment on articles, post events etc.
Learn more about inviting people to claim their Directory Listing here.