How to add Subscribers to Your CRM for use with Express Email Newsletters™

You're ready to start sending your Email newsletters using Express and you want to build your Subscriber list.

Available for all paid plans on the Locable Marketing Platform


Express is built to follow the Marketing 3-4-5™ Content Distribution approach where content lives on your website and you distribute it out via email (as well as to social media, through Local Connections™, etc).

You can send quick messages without selecting content but most of your newsletters should include blog posts (articles) and events. You can also include content from your Local Connections™ to amplify their efforts.

There are a few ways to create new Express Email Newsletter™ Subscribers:

Adding Subscribers through a Subscribe Form

You can use the Locable Forms tool to create a double opt-in Subscribe Form. You can learn more about creating a Subscribe Form here.

Marking a Contact as a Subscriber

You can mark an existing contact as a subscriber by going to CRM > Contacts and clicking on the contact name to edit the contact record. Once viewing their record, you can mark them as a subscriber by clicking the 'Subscribe & Send Double Opt-in Email'.



The contact will receive an email to confirm their subscription to your newsletter. 

NOTE: If you do not want the contact to receive the confirmation email, you can click the yellow 'Subscribe' button. This will give you a warning to confirm you want to subscribe them without their permission.


You will be able to see your subscribers when viewing Contacts in the CRM. Once a contact has been marked as a Subscriber, it is noted in the CRM.

The Unsubscribe Option

It is also noted in the CRM if a contact has chosen to unsubscribe. This would be done by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email they receive from your Locable account.



NOTE: If people choose to 'unsubscribe', then you can't send them any more emails through Express. They have effectively removed themselves from receiving newsletters directed to any contact list they might be part of.


Automatic Unsubscribe

Our software will automatically 'unsubscribe' people when their email is no longer valid, bounces back as undeliverable, or if they manually unsubscribe.

You will see an indication in the CRM like this, and if you click you will see the reason they are not receiving emails from your account:


Managing the bounce rate is important because if too many emails are bounced, Amazon Web Services (AWS) could block our platform from sending any emails and this affects all of our clients!

We hope to help everyone to maintain a healthy subscriber list.