Available on the Locable Publishing Platform
The Community Content Engine by Locable's Publisher Network is a platform that enables publishers to bring consumers and businesses together and interact in the digital age. To that end, our platform is first and foremost designed with function and profitability in mind.
There are however a number of site customizations available (with more being introduced regularly). Here is a list of the customizations currently available:
Page Wrapper
There are 3 main templates to choose from with the main difference being the continuation of the border on each side from the main content area all the way up to the top of the page and one in between.

Header & Logo
In the header of the page, you have the ability to center the logo and add a background color or image.

Looking to add a background image to the header on desktop and tablet? Here's the process (using a full-width logo isn't ideal on responsive sites like this)

- Size the image and include whitespace to account for the upper links (About, Contact etc) - approx 1000x170px with 20px of whitespace on the top... this varies slightly depending on your logo size
- Upload the image, you can do this through the article UI or any other Media Library page
- Click the Show link to get the hosted URL and copy it
- Paste the hosted image in the Site Styles in the Header Background & Logo "Background file" field and save

Main Menu
You have the ability to change the color of the menu/links and the size and font family of the text.
You can add a background color or image. The image can be positioned both vertically and horizontally to accommodate most designs.
Headers and Links
You can change the color of all links as well as the size of the headers including the link color in the carousel.
You can change the background color as well as the text and link color for all footer elements.
Here are several examples of what you can accomplish with just a small level of customization:
- https://www.walnutcreekmagazine.com/
- https://www.greateruppervalley.com/
- https://www.thembnews.com/
- https://www.bonitaesteromagazine.com/
Currently, some of this functionality is only available through your community manager so please contact them to make changes to your site or if you have any questions.