How to Add Google Analytics or Fathom Analytics to Your Website

Tracking website traffic is easy with Google Analytics and Fathom Analytics.

Available for all plans on the Locable Marketing Platform

Google Analytics

If you don't have a Google Analytics account, create your free account here. If you need help setting up a Google Analytics account, contact Fathom's support.

Simply grab your Google Analytics ID and add it to your site by clicking Website > Site Settings, then insert your code into the Google Analytics ID field and save.

Your ID should look like G-1234567890

NOTE: To set up a Google Analytics 4 property for your website, you need a Google tag ID (which usually starts with "G-"). See Google's help page here to find out about finding your Google ID for Google Analytics 4.


Fathom Analytics

If you don't have a Fathom Analytics account, create your free account here. If you need help setting up a Fathom Analytics account, see Fathom's support page.

Fathom will provide you with a tracking code (site ID) and you can add it to your site by clicking Website > Site Settings, then insert your code into the Fathom Analytics ID field and save.

A Fathom site ID is typically a unique alphanumeric string.


Add your Google Analytics or Fathom Analytics ID into the appropriate field and click 'Save Website Meta/SEO'.

With that update, website traffic information will be sent to Google Analytics or Fathom Analytics for tracking.


NOTE: You will need to add the required manual header code to your Google Analytics account before Google will begin showing your activity. Please refer to Google Analytics for details about their required setup.